Friday, September 17, 2010

It's time for another monthly post!

Every now and again you come across a headline that is too good not to share. In many cases you will be one of a select few who actually clicks on the link because it's an article about a retired hockey coach and Americans hate hockey more than they hate Muslims. Anyway, the headline of the article found here has the title, "Pat Burns sets record straight". Perusing the article, you find Burns felt the need to let the world know
that he's still very much alive, despite reports and thousands of tweets suggesting otherwise.

The former NHL coach, who is battling cancer, called TSN of Canada hockey columnist Bob McKenzie on Friday after seeing reports of his death at age 58.

HOLE LEE SHIT! You mean to tell me that in the Internet Age we still need to bop a guy over the head with a frying pan to toss him onto the wheelbarrow? Here's to hoping that Burns adopted a British accent when he called his buddy at TSN.

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