Friday, January 30, 2009

Fuck you and your "Super" Bowl!

I only consider a bowl super if it is filled with monkeys. Delicious monkeys! But since every blogger with a moderately functional brain has to make a prediction for this weekend, I will join the party. Now all the so called experts are going to throw brilliant analysis out there using "facts" and "statistics" which everyone knows never ever works. 93.7% of all people I've polled on the subject told me to go fuck myself. I probably should have tried somewhere besides the maternity ward, but where else can you pick up loose women? Anyway, as this picture proves without a shadow of a doubt, even Steelers fans know Ben Roethlisberger has only been able to throw to receivers in dark jerseys since attempting to stop a Buick with his forehead.

So what color jerseys are the Steelers going to be wearing on Sunday? Yep, the Stillerz be fucked. Look for Roethlisberger to throw 5 touchdown passes. Unfortunately, only two will be to Steelers receivers. The Cardinals win in a laugher, 38-14.

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