Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ike Davis makes losses exciting

The Mets got thumped by the Cubs 9-3 last night. Ollie Perez was effectively erratic, allowing only 3 runs while pitching only 5 innings. The bullpen did its best imitation of Mets bullpens past by giving up 6 runs and slamming the door shut on any potential Mets comeback. The highlight of the night by far was Ike Davis' spectacular catch in foul territory where he flipped over the railing to the Mets dugout. I'll post a YouTube video of the catch, but once they remove it you can just go to this post from to see the catch as well as David Wright talking about...well, something. I'll be honest, I didn't pay much attention since was standing there looking all buff and rugged in his sleeveless shirt.

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