Friday, April 16, 2010

Stay class Philadelphia

A man, well, a 21 year old boy was arrested after intentionally vomiting on an off-duty police captain and his 11 year old daughter at Wednesday night's Phillies game. When I first read the story I wondered, "Was the game played in Philadelphia or Washington?" Just kidding. You didn't even have to tell me the teams involved and the first place I would have guessed would have been Philly. I read the details of the story on ESPN.

I have to say as an angry drunk who does stupidly inappropriate things nearly every waking moment, this is some level of sophomoric stupidity I just don't understand. Am I just old? I have hazy recollections of being 21 and I never seemed to think of vomit being an appropriate retaliation for anything! For cripes sakes man, have a little self respect and dignity! Just wait 7 years until the daughter is 18 and impressed with your ability to buy beer, then have sex with her and never call her again. Amateur.

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