Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is why I can't be on TV

When you're a public figure, even on a shitty network that no one watches like the MLB network, you have a responsibility to filter the idiotic thoughts that pass through your brain before they spill out your mouth. Monday night Colorado's Brad Hawpe was struck in the neck by a throw as he was sliding into second base, requiring a neck brace and a free cart ride off the field. Analyzing the highlights, Matt Vasgersian said, well, he said this:

The video cut off before Vasgersian could defend himself, which was probably for the best. According to reports, Vasgersian stammered, "Look, I'm not a racist, I just think all black people look the same." While his colleagues looked on in stunned silence he added, "Eh, fuck you, I'm not wearing pants."

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