Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On losing streaks and fan expectations

I keep waiting for positive things to happen to this Mets team, and they keep not happening. It's hard to be witty and humorous about a business-like team that is very serious about the business of losing. It's not like they're TRYING to lose, but it doesn't look like they're trying all that hard to win, either. So starting today, I'm introducing a new feature to this blog. I'll call it "Hey, that's positive!"

Jose Reyes hit 2 home runs last night in a losing effort to the first place Marlins. Hey, that's positive! I didn't see any of the game, or read any of the recaps but I have to believe that Reyes hitting home runs in his first two at bats helped the team a lot more than a locust infestation. Good for you Mr. Reyes. May you hit 2 home runs EVERY game!

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